
The object of a will is to ensure that the will makers intentions are known. That is, who gets what when I die. We strongly advise that every adult or married person should have a will and should regularly update their wills. Circumstances in our lives change and so should your will. This is especially important when a person marries or separates and when children are involved.

Enduring Power of Attorney

Some people wish to ensure that someone else can attend to their finances if they cannot do so. This could be because of an accident, overseas travel or illness. An “Enduring Power of Attorney” can be prepared which is a legal document that gives a trusted person the legal authority to act for you and to make binding legal decisions on your behalf.

Estate Planning

The term “estate” refers to all of the assets of a deceased person wherever they might be located. We can assist you to organise your estate to ensure that your assets pass to your intended beneficiaries.


Probate refers to the Supreme Court ruling and processes that are required by law to commence and carry out the distribution of a deceased estate. A number of organisations ie: financial institutions and superannuation funds require that probate has been granted before they will release assets.

Wills, estates and probates can be difficult to understand and our specialised staff understand that protecting your assets and fulfilling your wishes and ensuring that the correct processes are followed is important. Our staff regularly attend seminars to keep abreast of the changing laws.